Account you should create to enter the share market in nepal

Things you should do to get enter into the share market of Nepal

So , first all what might be the things to get enter into the share market as the beginners? And most probably there are three things you should do as the beginner as a beginner and they are as follow:

  • Saving Account
  • Demat Account
  • Mero share Account

1. Saving Account:

                               The first thing you should do as a beginner in to enter into the share market is the saving account. You should visit the near by bank around you and make a saving account in your name with required documents like a photocopy of  citizenship certificate and some passport size photos. The bank may take two or three days to open the saving account.

 It depends upon the bank how fast your account will be created. You can also create the saving account online by filling the required document in home. The sample for the saving account form of SBI bank  is the below picture:
Saving account

2. Demat Account:

                                The second process after you open the saving account is the demat account. It is also known as the dematerialization account which is the most essential part to get into the share market. 

It is also created within the bank that you have opened the saving account. For this you should also fill the certain page of form as a demat form that the bank will provide you. The below picture is the sample of the demat form of Global IME capital limited that you need to fill:

Demat account                                       
Demat account

The process to create the demat account may take you 10 to 15 days depending upon the service provided by the bank. To create demat account you will most probably charged just Rs. 150. After you created the demat account you will receive the email saying that your demat account has been successfully created and it will provide you the username and password and should change your password. 

Then after you go to the bank and they will give you your demat paper and you must keep it safely. After  the demat account is created you can further proceed for mero share account.

3. Mero share  account:

                                       The third and the last process to enter into the share market as a beginner is the creation of the mero share. To make the mero share account you will just need rs.50 and it is also created in the same bank where you have created your saving and demat account. It doesn't take you time to create this account. The below is the sample form of mero share account of Global IME:

Mero share account

   So the mentioned three accounts are the things that are required to get into the share market in Nepal. All three things will be made within the bank. So, visit the near by bank you in your location and get into the share market.

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